Where is First Financial Northwest Inc.’s principal executive office located?
Our principal executive office is located at:
201 Wells Avenue South
Renton, WA 98057
Our telephone number is (425) 255-4400
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What is the history of First Financial Northwest Bank, First Savings Bank Northwest and First Savings Bank?
First Financial Northwest Bank was organized in 1923 as First Savings Bank, a Washington state-chartered savings and loan association. In 1935, First Savings Bank converted its charter to a federal mutual savings and loan association, and then to a Washington state-chartered mutual savings bank in 1992. In 2002, First Savings Bank reorganized into a two-tier mutual holding company structure, became a stock savings bank, and the wholly owned subsidiary of First Financial of Renton, Inc. In connection with the 2002 conversion, First Savings Bank changed its name to First Savings Bank Northwest. And subsequently in August 2015, changed its name to First Financial Northwest Bank. In February 2016, First Financial Northwest Bank officially changed its charter from a Washington state-chartered stock savings bank to a Washington state-chartered commercial bank.
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When was the holding company First Financial Northwest, Inc. formed?
First Financial Northwest, Inc. was formed on June 1, 2007, for the purpose of becoming the holding company for First Financial Northwest Bank in connection with the conversion from a mutual holding company structure to a stock holding company structure.
The mutual to stock conversion was completed on October 9, 2007, through the sale and issuance of 22,852,800 shares of common stock by First Financial Northwest, Inc.
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What are First Financial Northwest, Inc.’s subsidiaries?
First Financial Northwest Bank and First Financial Diversified Corporation are current subsidiaries.
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When and at what price did First Financial Northwest, Inc. become a publicly traded company?
First Financial Northwest, Inc. went public on October 9, 2007, at an opening price of $10.00 per share.
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Where is First Financial Northwest Inc.’s Stock listed?
First Financial Northwest Inc.’s common stock is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market System under the symbol
Visit our
Stock Information page for more detailed stock information.
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How can I purchase shares of First Financial Northwest, Inc.?
Shares of FFNW can be purchased through
Computershare DirectStock, a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan sponsored and administered by Computershare Trust Company, N.A., or by contacting your personal stockbroker or financial advisor.
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Does First Financial Northwest, Inc. pay a dividend?
Visit our
Dividends page for a list of current and historical dividends.
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Do you offer dividend reinvestment?
Registered shareholders can sign up to reinvest their dividends with
Computershare DirectStock, a direct stock purchase and dividend reinvestment plan sponsored and administered by Computershare Trust Company, N.A. The terms and conditions of the plan and associated fees are outlined in the plan documents.
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How can I get a copy of the Annual Report or other SEC documents such as a 10-K or 10-Q?
The most recent Annual Report is available electronically from our
Proxy Materials page, and recent and historical 10-Ks and 10-Qs are available from our
SEC Filings page. You may submit a request for a physical copy of these and other First Financial Northwest, Inc. investor materials by
Information Request.
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How can I find out how many shares of FFNW I own?
To find out more about your holdings, contact either your broker or our stock transfer agent,
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How can I get more information about the performance of the stock?
Visit our
News & Market Data section for press releases, current and historical stock quotes, stock performance charts, stock basis and total return calculators, and more.
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When is your next earnings announcement?
Visit our
News & Market Data section for a listing of recent earnings releases and other announcements.
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When is First Financial Northwest, Inc.’s next Annual Meeting of Shareholders?
The details of the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be available when the proxy materials are mailed in late April to shareholders of record and posted on our
Proxy Materials page.
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How can I obtain a copy of my Form 1099-DIV?
If you believe you should have received a Form 1099-DIV, contact First Financial Northwest Bank Customer Service at 866-372-1200 during regular hours and ask to be directed to Investor Relations.
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Who is the stock transfer agent?
The Company's Transfer Agent, Registrar and Dividend Disbursing agent is Computershare. You may contact Computershare as follows:
By regular mail:
PO Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940-3078
By overnight delivery:
150 Royall Street, Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
By telephone:
Toll Free 1-800-368-5948
Direct 1-781-575-4223
By internet:
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How can I change the address on my stock account?
Call our Stock Transfer Agent, Computershare, at 1-800-368-5948.
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Who do I contact about a lost certificate?
Call our Stock Transfer Agent, Computershare, at 1-800-368-5948.
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How can I request additional information from First Financial Northwest, Inc.?
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How do I sign up to receive Email Alerts?
Visit our
Email Alerts page to sign up to receive emails when new items of interest are posted to our website.
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